Wednesday, March 17, 2010


While reading the article posted by Dan Moris about how technology is essential for our learning progress, I read about how Littleton Public schools are asking student about how technoligy is accential to our learning needs. My opinion is that the technolagy we use is a great asset but yet it makes us lazy and more pron to fail with out technolagy. In my english class we use lap tops for home work, projects, and assignments, I admet that this method is more organized but it is far from assential to my learning needs. When I use my computer for work I have to know how to use my computer before I get anything done, somtimes I have to use programs I have never used befor and that makes it harder mor me to meet my learning potential. However on the other hand if all my work is don on a computer I dont have to worry about turning it in in class because the teacher can just pull up my home work on my blog. Tecnolagy and education will most likely always be entertweined but my opinion remains the same.

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